خانه / English / How Companions impact your Spiritual Journey

How Companions impact your Spiritual Journey

Why selecting a friend is so important and how to select a friend that would support you in your Spiritual Journey?

spiritual-companionOne of the most important factors in successful Spiritual Journey is selection of companion in life.  Those who are unsatisfied with their situation should really look into their companions and see if they need to change them in order to improve their life and effectiveness of their journey.  However, this doesn’t mean to cut relation with family nor relation with parents and next of kin.

In current social studies we read much about peer pressure and how it influences the young on committing wrong doing out of pressure from their companions, on the other hand, we see focus groups and group meetings such as AIA that help people in their struggle to improve themselves and gain energy and momentum in their journey.

Therefore, no one hesitates to agree on this subject that Companions impact the spiritual journey.

Criteria and Parameters of a Good Friend

A companion will make things look bad or good in our eyes and has much influence on our thought and decisions.  We read stories of Noah’s son, a prophet’s son, who was misled by his companions to accept other beliefs other than his own father’s, who was a prophet of God.  So what are the criteria of a good companion and what are the parameters we should be looking for in our selection:

First of all the appearance of your companion should be well presented, not only in the matter of physical beauty, but mental and spiritual aspects, and both should match.  You will be evaluated by the peer you select to be part of, so select a friend that once you are seen next to him, he won’t make you look bad or part of a wrong-doing gang.

Second, he must love you for yourself and not for benefits that he receives in befriending with you.  He should help you identify your short comings and help you to improve yourself.  A person trying to serve your ego and give you complement for wrong and no reasons is not a friend but a gold digger trying to gain your trust and find opportunities and benefit on wrong basis.

Third, he must remind you of God.  God is the center and ultimate point of all good, beauty and perfection of the world.  To remember God means to be as close to the values and criteria of an ideal person loved and nurtured and closest to GOD.  Prophets and spiritual guides such as Vali or Peir have these criteria.  Therefore, a friend who reminds you of being good and keeping a healthy spiritual mind is a person who reminds of doing good in this world and prevents you from doing evil.  For example, a companion who tells you to disconnect from your parents and disrespect or break their heart because they are not on the right path is an evil disciple of the devil disguised as an angle or friend.  Because we have clear guideline in the Holy Quran that you don’t have to obey your parents in doing wrong, but you are never allowed to cut your relation with them, disrespect them or even break their heart by simplest words or signs as small as a huff or a puff.

Vali Means a Friend, Companion, and Soul Mate for Spiritual Journey

In conclusion, in your spiritual journey you should find a companion that will guide and support you in the hardship of this path.  In advanced levels, your friend and companion becomes your soul mate. Selecting a spiritual teacher and guide as your friend and companion is the key to success for this journey.  Therefore, look for the same criteria and parameter in selecting your Vali or Peir, as you would your friend or companion.

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