خانه / نماد اعتماد الکترونیک

نماد اعتماد الکترونیک

The Night of Power

The night of power or as it is called in Arabic is the Lailatol Qadr, is believed to be the night when prophet Mohammad received the entire Quran in that night by heart from Gabriel. Muslims are to fast this entire month and observe the Night of Power on the …

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Vali Guardian for Truth Seeker

Every truth seeker needs a role model and has to be a role model to others, this is called Continuous Serial of Guardianship and is the true essence of Erfan Moqarabeen mystical philosophy! Definition of Vali Every human should be in the continuous serial of guardianship.  The word Vali (Oulia …

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Choosing the Right Path

My Way or My Father’s Way? What are the basis and selection criteria for Choosing the Right Path? Unbelievers say that since your father is a muslim, you automatically become a muslim.  On the other hand, since his father was a hindo, then he must be raised as a hindo.  However Quran argues that …

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You are what you eat!

The importance of intake and food in the elevation of soul is discussed in Erfan Moqarabeen Perspective There is an interesting American Proverb that says: “You are what you eat!”  It is obvious to many that what we feed our body and soul has great impact on our nature.  Although the …

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