خانه / English / The Right Path

The Right Path

Is there a guaranteed path that could save a human soul and would warrant his ascent to the heavens?  Erfan Moqarabeen has the way to guarantee salvation and happiness of mankind by keeping him on the right path called “صراط مستقیم”.

the-right-pathWhen human history is reviewed, we see many people that had good intentions and lived a rightful path throughout their life descended and crashed to hell upon little temptations and wrong decisions in critical moments.

Although God’s mercy will include their situation and after bearing a cleansing period in the hereafter, they will also enter heaven, but depending on their degree of deviation and harm they caused to others in this world, their stay in hell may differ and extend as if they are residing in hell, forever.

Is staying on the Right Path Difficult?

Staying on the right path seems to be a difficult task and hard for those away from it.  The same way that many people think that being good and holy is difficult and committing sin is more sweet and fun.  However, after the soul has opened its heart and eyes, a holy person clearly sees that sins are dirty and unhealthy, and staying on the right path is much easier and comfortable.

As if a physician with medical knowledge and experience knows that eating a dirty candy covered with dirt is unhealthy, but a kid with less experience picks up the candy and eats it.  Furthermore, the kid insists that the candy is delicious and sweet, and the physician is ignorant to avoid such a chance to enjoy life.  However, the kid is inexperienced of the future unhealthy pains and hardship he will endure to release the evil elements that came along with the sweet and fun feeling of the candy.  But has every physician gone through an experience to realize the truth of his knowledge?  Or has he strong faith and certainty that dirty food will cause stomach pains later? That’s why a holy person knows that going through the right path is easier than the shortcuts of lazy and short sighted people.  He has gained the knowledge whether it was through experience or teaching of his guardian and teacher.

What is the Right Path?

In other religions and school of thoughts many ways are suggested as the right path.  But the right path in Islam is called Sirat al Mostaqeem. The basic meaning of Mostaqeem is straight.  Meaning it is the shortest and fastest way of connecting of arriving to destination, as well as keeping a balance to remain on the path without leaning or falling over to right or left extremes.  Islam sharia has laws and regulation that will show the boundaries and limits of where crossing them will end a person in hell, but remaining on the center of the path and moving fast along the path will require more.

Basically, if a person avoids the prohibited acts, and perform the required worships according to the sharia law of correctly interpreted Islam, he should be able to avoid the hell fire and stay on the right path.   But how come many go astray, and some remain still on the path? What will guarantee that a person is kept on the path and is moving along in the right way and pace?

Erfan Moqarabeen has the answer: it is to follow teachings of a holy guardian and sponsorship path of Vali that will guide a person through a chain of authority from God.  As mentioned before, Moqarabeen means the closest, and Erfan Moqarabeen means the knowledge of the closest guardians to teachings of God and the path created by God for human.  These teachings are transferred to Prophets then Imams then Teachers of Sharia and Erfan (Faqih and Peer) to reach all human.  Therefore, a truth seeker must move along this path, reaching for a teacher of sharia (Faqih) to reach him through his mind, then a Teacher of Erfan (Peer or Guru or Master) to reach him through his soul, to finally connect him to the path of Imam and Vali of all time, who is the closest to the Sirat Mostaqeem and Moqarabeen.

Further information in Farsi is found here.

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