
What is true happiness?

Will money, power, and fame bring a person true happiness? Who has the answer to true happiness needs of all human? In previous articles we explored the reason why religion is needed to guide human toward his happiness with correct life management and straight balanced path.  Many school of thoughts …

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Religion is Life Management

How religion could be used to improve human life and interaction for a balanced life management? All sciences have started from a superstition and developed into modern science, since they could be tested in a lab and proven by physical quantification.  However, human ethics, art, and soft management skills are …

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The Right Path

Is there a guaranteed path that could save a human soul and would warrant his ascent to the heavens?  Erfan Moqarabeen has the way to guarantee salvation and happiness of mankind by keeping him on the right path called “صراط مستقیم”. When human history is reviewed, we see many people …

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