خانه / English / Religion is Life Management

Religion is Life Management

How religion could be used to improve human life and interaction for a balanced life management?

Religion-Life-ManagementAll sciences have started from a superstition and developed into modern science, since they could be tested in a lab and proven by physical quantification.  However, human ethics, art, and soft management skills are based on quality, therefore, empirical and non-measurable.  It has been difficult for philosophers to explain to so-called scientists that not all that can’t be seen, therefore, can’t exist! One of the major human knowledge that has been off radar and has recently come into light in the past hundred years is Management. Quality Management, Time Management, Resource Management, Human relation Management, and so many other topics in Management that has come under Total Quality Management and ISO standards in different industries.  However, so-called open-minded scientists have neglected then Life Management area of Knowledge, which is Religion.

Religion is Life Management

Religion gives a structure to human life and its social interactions with others.  Religion creates a baseline and sets policies and standards to which people should abide to peacefully live for betterment of their life in this world and hereafter.  However, how these laws and regulations are being understood and implemented is another story.  The True Religion is defined as a Total Quality of Life Management that encompasses all aspect of personal and social, physical and metaphysical, inner and outer dimensions of human life.  To keep a person on a straight path for a balanced life.  To know when he should settle and when he should act, when he should be sad and when he should laugh…

Life Management Tools and Techniques

Similar to all quality management systems, Life management has many tools and techniques that must be applied.  The PDCA cycle of quality improvement was first assigned to Shia Erfan Moqarabeen Truth Seekers 1400 years ago.  It has been in all religions before it as well, but was never defined and practiced as widely as before Prophet Mohammad Peace be Upon him to his family and close friends.  In Muslim teachings and specially the Mystic and Erfan Moqarabeen students, it has been insisted that all should practice the Lent or Cheleh, a period of 40 days, improvement process to clear bad habits and reinforce good behaviors.  During this period one must go thru PDCA cycle by Planning, Doing, Checking, and Acting upon what he has decided to improve himself upon.  It is called Moshareteh, Moraqebe, Mohasebeh, and Moaqebeh.  Actually, this cycle is defined and practiced in different levels for beginners to more advanced practitioners.   For example in beginning stages of Erfan Moqarabeen only three steps may be defined for the truth seeker, but in advanced levels this cycle might have between seven to nine different stages during the day.

Once more interest is shown from our English readers, we might enter into more detail to explain each stage and teach our English speaking students how they can improve their life with true teachings of true religion.  So drop us a line if you are interested.

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