خانه / English / Define Wisdom

Define Wisdom

wisdomDefine Wisdom

Wisdom, is the agreement of words and deeds with what is just and right.

The word Wisdom is repeated many times in the Holy Quran and God names it: the book of wisdom. Theoretical and practical knowledge becomes one in Quran and is called “Wisdom”. Wisdom will bring knowledge and strengthen the spirit. The spirit becomes stronger as it understands and learns more about it’s actions and their corresponding reactions.

Spiritual Perfection

Quranic wisdom is a knowledge that brings spiritual perfection. Once theoretical knowledge is built within spirit the body will act, and once the mind and body are acting with knowledge, spirit will evolve and reach perfection.

Human mind feeds on diversity for growth and satisfaction, even while in Paradise, wouldn’t lack of diversity feel like a prison sentence? But what if he settles by the source of all knowledge and perfection to quench all his needs; would he still be feeling like a prisoner?

True Love

This closeness and friendship is considered the true love and true friendship intended for human soul. human relations and friendships based on worldly needs are considered Virtual friendships. The are based on beauty that fades, money that will be spent, or power and popularity that will crash. As soon as incentives are gone, friendship will disappear, as well. However, true love and friendships never die, they are never ending and they are infinite. Since the source of this friendship is ultimate, never ending, and infinite. The incentive is perfection towards the source of all beauty and power that is not limited and never ends. When you’re friendship is true and approved by God, you don’t get tired, because he is infinite and cannot be repeated.

Spritual Perfection through True Love that is based on Wisdom

God is so infinite and reaching to the point of meeting his glory is of different nature to our worldly understandings.  It is based on spiritual evolution that is more difficult than what is observed by our physical senses.  At the beginning relating to these spiritual dimensions might be very ambiguous, therefore, relating to other beings that are similar to us would be easier to comprehend. That is why God has placed his prophets and disciples to bridge that relation and create faster and easier connection with the spiritual world.

The love for prophet and his family will equate to the love for God, since the prophet and his family have no incentive to love us but for the love of God. They are the source of knowledge and beauty on the earth and they will never be repeated. Therefore, understanding and learning more about prophet’s teachings, will elevate our soul.   Once theoretical knowledge is built within spirit the body will act, and once the mind and body are acting with knowledge, spirit will evolve and reach perfection.

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